...Today we will continue the analysis of Love energy and will touch upon the problem of your immunity; we will elucidate the question why one child gets cancer, but the other does not. Let's start with the children morbidity...




    Today we will continue the analysis of Love energy and will touch upon the problem of your immunity; we will elucidate the question why one child gets cancer, but the other does not. Let's start with the children morbidity. We have already said that if while being pregnant a mother had been unbalanced, the child would have achieved the negative (information) out of her placenta. Equally it concerns a father. When the time comes for the child to come, somehow or other he brings happiness to the family, but the genetic memory of parents' pain and hatred, of their quarrels and mutual offences have already influenced every cell of the baby in the form of the matrix to block the energy flows. As far as the child grows, if only his growing-up process goes stable both concerning his health and his social background, the block-matrix as if calms down. It is not high time yet, nothing to hook and no "proper" virus also, but the matrix itself exists and circulates both within the body and in his spiritual sphere. If once several domestic rows between a husband and a wife are enough to activate the predator-matrix and attract a virus bacteria into the child's body, then in other case the matrix safely awaits for the proper time, the first good opportunity to intensify its work immediately.
    Why does it go like that? To explain let's turn to the following issues. First of all, the matter of great importance in view of the body's protection (moreover when it's the baby's body) stays the immunity aspect. It may be inborn (given by his mother) or acquired. In the case we are considering you mention just the inborn immunity cause all acquired immunity types just weaken thymus (respondent for immunity) but not strengthen it. Now you know that the immunity system being entirely dependent on the leucocytes production is developing in the baby's body through borrowing and adopting the mother's immunity system information in many respects. Thus if the mother's immunity is weakened, the child gets the improper immunity system. The doctors foreseeing that keep attempting to strengthen the mother's system while she is pregnant, however applying various medicines and hormone injections. Well that gives quite contrary effect since the immune system exhausts while producing with its last bit of strength thymus-dependent lymphocytes, phagocytes, B-lymphocytes in order to fight these medicines which they recognize as antigens or alien cells. That is the way the immune systems of the mother and the child get weak. Doctors do not assume that way since they do not pay attention to potentially possible consequences if only it does not concern them personally. Hard talk we are holding now aimed at one thing only: to awake all mothers' on Earth consciousness them to remember that a person would not shift responsibility for his health to the shoulders of others. The third person doctor is not obliged to care about you to the extent you yourself do. Hence avoid efforts to shift that responsibility. It won't help but will just worsen all. So mostly the speed your baby is being infected straightly depends on his immunity and on the capability of self-defence and of viruses recognition. If the mother while pregnant keeps smoking and drinking the immunity of her baby looks like a sieve and would be open for every single bacteria, down to cancer even.
    Now let's proceed to why grown-ups get cancer. The problem concerns the immunity as well. It turns out suddenly that it is not OK and the lymphatic system has constantly failed to work profoundly. Wrong way of thinking that is followed by the wrong way of living once comes to the crucial point and the inborn block-matrix awakens and transforms to cancer cells or whatever. We repeat: it goes through a virus. We need to specify that speaking about the block-matrix given to the baby through his mother's negative feelings, we do not blame her cause it is none of our affair. You need to remember that the block matrix may and is to be transformed by its holder. Of course that does not mean the only aim in that child's life should be to neutralize that matrix, usually it goes by itself, not obviously for the person and mostly influenced by the Love energy the person himself emits. In its turn it does not bound him to become the loving and thoughtful family man. But definitely it means that a person should grow into a Personality striving for giving energy flows preferably to receiving them. This ability may express in being a devoted to other people, but not to his Self. When a person lives for the others, for their welfare be it his relatives or beloved ones, he produces and emits huge amounts of Love which turns out to be a peculiar dope or the energy station for the space around him.
    Striking it is, but such person may absolutely neglect his health and drink in huge amounts and smoke harshly both merciless to his health, but nevertheless he keeps nourishing his and his beloved ones' (those he aches about) health with Love, Love that appears in their organism as the potential of vitally important energy, able to keep them alive. While the loving man recognizes the importance of living and hopes, his Love is much more effective than chemotherapy for the ill man. And that is no fiction, but laws of logic only, ones of physics and chemistry and bioenergetics also, that are just on the way to be revealed by your scientists. Here we stop today. You need to prepare to receive the information on the energy healing principles so please look through the literature about your body's chakras. For now it's enough.

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